the revision of the native american poster went really well this time. i think i am finally finding a process that works for me. the old version of this poster featured arrowheads that descended down the page and i really like the look of them so i wanted to incorporate at least one of them into this layout. i found the image of the arrowhead and then i thought about what feelings were evoked from this object. i thought about the history of violence and war in the past of the native americans and found a quote that fit in with that. then i just played off of a central axis line and placed the extra text along that. i'm overall pretty happy with it. i'm going to attempt to make some of the changes suggested in class...like making the image of the arrowhead extend farther down the page.
the tsoda poster was a completely different story. it was virtually impossible to stay away from something cliche because you want people to recognize what kind of event it is. two of my roommates are dancers so i knew i could draw a little inspiration from them. i took pictures of tap shoes and point shoes but only decided to use the tap shoes. i started with the title and then placed three shoes around that. it turned out pretty well i guess. like i said it was really cliche, but whatever. i'm glad we decided not to go further with this one. i'm glad i get to focus on the last revision for the native american poster.
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