my first illustration assignment was really horrible. i have never worked with watercolors before so i'm really unsure of myself when i work with the medium. the landscape assignment was a bit more successful. i still need to work on making clouds. the video today...which is hilarious by the way...gave me some good pointers on making clouds. i hate to admit that i was using the technique that he said not to do. embarrassing i know. i feel like this landscape was my most successful out of the ten. the sky isn't horrible; you can kind of see my attempt at making clouds. the ground has some good points as well and the trees are my favorite part. i think i'm getting comfortable with making the leafy parts of trees, but i still need help with the tree trunks. overall, for having only been my second time working with watercolors, i feel like i can get the hang of them with a lot (and i mean a lot) of practice. i'm nervous about the architecture project because there are less places to make mistakes. i just need to try and be less of a control freak!
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